Smart Automatic Number Plate Reading
ANPR is a networked system which reliably reads licence plates at speeds of up to 100 mph with 95-98% accuracy, in the dark and with the glare from vehicle headlights. You can monitor an unlimited number of traffic lanes with each vehicle being logged on the system’s database.
- Although a security gate or barrier system can help deter crime and protect your property from intruders, it can also be time-consuming and manual. Vehicles will automatically be granted access to sites if there is an ANPR system. The system can match the vehicle’s number plate onto the main system. Fully automated ANPR camera system systems do not require employees to operate them.
- Automated customized ANPR systems work on the latest technologies and yield 99% accuracy in spotting unauthorized vehicles entering the premises. Thus, they unquestionably provide greater security and accuracy than manual checks, which are vulnerable to human errors.
- ANPR systems provide you with peace of mind as they’re highly reliable at identifying safety issues, detecting a speeding driver, and helping to address them before a serious accident occurs.
- As ANPR systems can operate 24 hours a day, they reduce or eliminate the need for security patrols and manned guarding. Moreover, it eases overall management.
- ANPR is advantageous to numerous industries because of the real-time images it provides. In the past, number plate recording was time-consuming, and it took even more time to send out penalty notices to those who break traffic laws.
With ANPR, however, the number plates can be identified and checked against the database in a matter of minutes. Based on this, it can take less than 48 hours to issue a penalty notice. These cameras are fast and can respond quickly to crimes, thus ensuring that any undesirable behavior is not allowed to go unchecked.
More Option Available.
- RFID Reader.
- FAST TAG Reader.